Thursday, February 24, 2011

Since I'm not in therapy

I'll tell you what - the idea of weekly therapy has always sounded like bliss to me. Now those of you who get to, or have to, go to therapy might correct me, and I will humbly accept the correction, because I have never gone to weekly therapy or counseling, or whatever one should call it.

A 50 minute hour, all about me, where I can spout off whatever crap is on my mind, where I can just vent my frustrations, insecurities, failures, triumphs, etc., to a neutral party. Where I don't need to worry about who hears me, whom I might hurt, whether or not I am making a mountain out of a molehill. Where maybe some intelligent, objective observer might call me out on my silly foibles, and unreasonable reactions.

Well, I am not in therapy, so you get to hear my whining voice. It's not always whiny I hope, because, boy, who would ever want to read this?

I have issues, man. Not anything earth shattering, but gosh, I would like to feel like an adult. Much of the time I feel like an insecure teenager who really doesn't know how to make sense of things. Now, when I really think about it, I am being overly dramatic. If I were to compare my present self to my high school self, there would be a very large difference. But for heaven's sake, why am I so uncomfortable with myself still? Why do I still feel like I am waiting to know who I am? It's really silly and irritating. I stop to think about why I feel this way, and I am unsure, as usual. I just second guess myself much of the time. Now maybe this has to do more with the fact that my decisions directly affect the small people around me, in a way that is still new to me, and very weighty. Possibly.

One thing I need to do more often is stop and take a look at the things I know are true. And accept what I am and what I am not. I am a painter. I am not a singer. I am a mother, a good one. I am not a career woman. I am a picture framer, a fairly knowledgeable one. I am not as good at it as I used to be, because I only do it one day a week now. That's ok. The things I make, I try to make well. I am not a multi-tasker. I am not the best conversationalist. I am a good listener. I don't make friends easily. That makes me sad, but when I do make a connection, it is a strong one, and lasts. I have not been weighed and found wanting, because my Creator knew what he was doing when he made me. I may not be at my full potential, but I'm going to keep trying.

See, I'm workin' it out. Therapy might be awesome, but for now I've got you.


Jo said...

Call, email, text, blog anytime. <3

Emily said...

thanks jo!

Jess said...

I so get what you are saying. And know that you are not alone... let's chat sometime. You are a gem. :)

Emily said...

we shall, Jess!