I have had a really hard time finding the time to post. and when I do have a bit of time, my thoughts are still scattered all over the map.
Jude has been sick, and the once innocent lower back / top of the diaper area is now eyed with suspicion by me at all times, because I have seen hideous flash floods, bubbling up like melted peanut butter from the pit of hell. I have been paralyzed with fear and uncertainty... do I pick him up and risk squishing it out more? do I leave him alone on the floor to possibly roll over and wreak havoc on the carpet while I fetch diaper, wipes, and plastic bags? Fortunately, he is better now, but the fear remains...
The girls have been slowly working with me on potty training. I really need to just buckle down - it isn't the twins who are dragging their feet, it's mommy. I just balk at adding anything new to the routine, it overwhelms me, and I just can't move forward. I don't know why that is, but it's not a character trait of which I am proud. Maybe I'll just slap some panties (yes, panties!) on them and they will learn the uncomfortable way. All talk, all talk and no action!
Summer is winding down and september has brought with it cool breezes and slightly lower temperatures. For this I am profoundly grateful, except that fall makes me want to spend money! Sweaters, boots, corduroys, big leather bags.. I dreamt about fashion last night, literally, and awoke feeling the craving to shop. Thank goodness for the 3 little ones that keep me out of the mall and anchored to reality!
Jude is becoming more and more mobile, and is cruising around, walking while holding on to the furniture. He just turned 9 months, and is a big fat joy to behold. And hold. He is delightfully cuddly. Rowan and Genevieve are bursting with run on sentences, and imagination, and willfulness. Dan and I are working on our patience. But we are also really enjoying our family. Trying to find the balance. Trying to remember that our weaknesses don't have to make us despair, because they give God a chance to show his strength.