Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the pool and other new things

The girls got a baby pool (thanks Martha!), and we got a new place to live!  with a porch, as you can plainly see.  So we have been living it up.  Incidentally, our laundry room door is open, for anyone who wants to use it.  I know what it's like to go to the laundromat, or a parent's basement, or just another building to get your wash clean.  So there's no baby news yet, but soon there should be.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

we still manage to have some fun

So really, i just wanted to try to post a video, and it was easy enough, although the quality from the digital camera is rubbish.
Soon enough, we will no longer have to live within a small space that combines a kitchen with a living room, and even a little bit of bedroom.  I know I keep telling people that this will be the weekend, but I think we really might move in this weekend.  This place is palatial compared with our current situation.  The girls will love it, too, poor things - they get a little stir crazy up here.  But they do enjoy a good dance party, even in close quarters.