Monday, March 2, 2009

cozy day in

What's cozier than a hug from a corduroy rocking horse? Maybe plaid flannel and some pink nubbly knitting.  It's a cozy cuddly day for us, and we are enjoying ourselves.
So the rocker is not so cozy, as it is waiting on the porch in a snow drift.  It would be nicer to have it inside, so I could sit and knit, and feel like a real grandma.

So, yes, most days are "day in", by definition, but today is a snowy, blustery day, and I am embracing my position in life.  I sometimes think that I need to wait for something interesting or noteworthy to happen in order to post something, but that could take a while... and besides, that would be a very misleading representation of what my life is like.  I am waiting for the girls to fall asleep so that I can take a shower.  They are taking a really long time, and boy do I need a shower!  On the plus side, I am thankful for our unbelievably strong heat, as our place is super draughty. There are some suspicious noises coming from the girls room, I guess I had better check it out.  Sigh.  Screetching and crashing are never good.

Snowy days make me think of my parents.  My Dad was a work horse in the snow, shoveling our long driveway, clearing the steps, throwing down ice melter, keeping everybody safe.  But he was also our playfellow, and built snow forts, took us sledding, and enthusiastically photographed it all.  My Mom, always the caretaker, would lay out a pathway of towels to keep us from drenching the floor, and would always have a batch of homemade hot chocolate simmering on the stove, waiting to soothe our wind-burnt cheeks and fingers.  There is a certain feeling when it snows, having to do with the extra silence, and the anticipation of fun, the freedom from school, I think I'll always feel the same way.  Snow days make me happy still, and I hope that my kids have as warm memories of their snow days as I do of mine.


Jessica said...

I like those pictures a lot--the texture and colors (and of course subject matter!), especially.

I love snow days, too. I have realized, however, that the company you spend one with makes a huge difference. When I was in Detroit our snow days weren't so fun--I was too far away from home and loved ones; they just sort of made me sad.

But I LOVE being snowed in with Drew; I love the feeling of not being able to go anywhere even if you wanted to...

Emily said...

being snowed in with your best friend is incomparable!