We've all done it... just took an idea and ran with it, when perhaps the facts weren't all there...
Like the time Dan didn't speak to me for a week while we were dating. He came in to see me at work (Brew HaHa!), and one of my co-workers and I, along with one of our coffee shop regulars, Toby, had been discussing his (Toby's) brother's recent engagement. Now Toby had the super cool idea that when he got engaged, he would buy his girlfriend a really great stereo system in lieu of a ring, cause wouldn't that be a much more practical way to spend a few thousand bucks? Well, practical or not, I said that I would prefer a ring, thank you, when the time came.
Innocent enough, right?
Well, poor Dan came in right at this juncture, and my co-worker casually informed him that I would rather have a ring than a stereo. A very strange look came over his face, all red and weird, and he left pretty abruptly. Needless to say, I was a bit confused. When he finally gave me a chance to ask him what the problem was, he reminded me that he had just gotten me a cd player for my car for Christmas... oooooohhhh. Right. I got it. Once we got our facts lined up, we realized that there was nothing to be upset about, and in case you were wondering, I did get a ring when the time came.
More recently, there have been other misunderstandings in our house...
Genevieve and Rowan were fresh out of the bath, under towels and two blankets, because our house is chilly. It was lotion time, and they wanted nothing to do with it. I can't really blame them, it was cold. So I tried to explain that our house is very dry, that eczema runs in the family... Genevieve suggested that I put lotion on the walls, then it wouldn't be dry in here. Smartypants. And a few days ago, after being told by me that she was not allowed to have a snack so close to dinner, she thought for a minute and told me, "Jesus told me I can". Uh-huh, Jesus trumps Mommy, right? Lands sakes!
Rowan, on the other hand, is the dreamer. She somehow got stuck on the idea that Easter is a person, a girl, for whom she is going to wear a dress, and then Easter will tell her that she is "the prettiest girl", and then Rowan in turn will tell me that I am the prettiest girl. I guess that I am then obligated to pass on the compliment. Interesting. I did try to correct her thinking, just for the record. I don't think she really cared. She loves drama. Just today, as I was trying to get out the door to go to the salon, she told me sadly, " Mommy, if you go, you will leave us all alone". Yeah. All alone with her sister, brother, Aunt Christine, and her cousin Moses. Poor baby!