Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September's post.

Aw, shoot. 
I thought August was bad, I only posted four times. And now, here we are, the lone post for September.  

I don't know, I just don't feel inspired. Which is not really a valid reason, since this is supposed to be a discipline. So lets call a spade a spade and just say that I have, once again, choked and not followed through. This was supposed to be my accountability, but like anything else, you stop worrying about it once you've waited long enough.

I've been a bit of a mental case this month.  Trying to adjust and help my kids adjust to first grade and pre-k.  All three playing soccer for the first time. Wanting so badly to redo my whole house, to make everything new in here, while everything about our schedule is also new.  Knowing that as far as new goes, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  But still, I spend a lot of time in here, and it's really feeling stale.  

Oh, so I never actually posted this, and today is October 1st. So thumbs down to September, and here's to moving on.

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