Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Dear One

senorita slacker, here, is trying to post something that has been stewing for weeks... anyway, I will try to get some of it out now. Dan recently had a birthday, and I just really wanted to mention in a thousand words or less how wonderful he is to me. Seriously, he works two full time jobs to keep our bills payed, our health insurance great, our living space secure, food in our bellies, and Mommy at home with the three midgets, because in these early years we feel that it's important. He works his fingers to the bone at two jobs which he does not particularly love, and he does it for us. This kind of love is overwhelming and humbling.
Beyond all of this, he is hilarious, and I am so happy that we still keep each other laughing, that we still can tease each other that 'I am the funny one', as if there is only room for one humorous person in the relationship, and that as time marches on, it just adds more layers of meaning and enjoyment to our inside jokes. He makes our kids laugh, and they get his sense of humor, like when he calls them the wrong name on purpose, and they respond by calling him 'Mommy'. I hope he imparts to them his sense of confidence as they grow older, because it is just so pleasant to be around someone who is at ease in their own skin, who makes no apologies for being himself. In short, I am lucky to have married the man I was meant for, and although it has taken me about 3 weeks just to finish this post in half-minute increments, I will just go ahead and say it... Happy Birthday my Dear One! I love you.


Jessica said...

this is so sweet, Emily. And seriously, how amazing that he works TWO full-time jobs. How does he do it? When do you guys see each other? Kudos to him for taking such good care of you guys:) and happy belated birthday, Dan!!

Emily said...

it's rough, jess, but the only reason it is remotely workable is that job #2 is at the school where we live, so he can pop in for dinner and to help me put the kids to bed. most of the time, anyway.