Monday, April 12, 2010

blogger's block

there have been a few things that I have wanted to mention, write about, people who deserve props and shout-outs and whatnot, but for whatever reason, I have just had the hardest time sitting down and just expelling it here...

I know that is a strange usage of the word 'expel', but deal with it, for me, ok? I like strange word usage. a lot.

Recently, Dan completed a self-imposed, 90 day fast. Not a complete fast, but a pretty tough one, in which he cut out all meat, almost all sugar, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, well, it's easier to list what he would eat... raw vegetables, oatmeal, bananas and grapes (random fruit selection), water, and later on, hardboiled eggs and tomato soup. He successfully quit smoking, and has felt that his life is taking on some new direction. He did all of this with a supremely sweet attitude, no complaints, and generally just impressed the heck out of me. Amazing. I am prouder than I can say. And really, really glad that I can make just one dinner for the family now! I am inspired to attempt to cut out sugar and beat my chocolate addiction. We shall see.

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary yesterday, another accomplishment of which I am insanely proud. They have showed me a great example of what it means to build a marriage for the ages. I am so thankful for them!

Over Easter, our little family of 5 drove to Ohio to be with some dear friends, and get a little break from our everyday life. It was refreshing and fun, and we were reminded of how very dear these people are to us. I also got to participate in some figure drawing, and I wasn't actually as awful as I expected, which was very encouraging, as I am embarking on a little project, and could use all the encouragement I can get!

This is why I have had a hard time blogging. My everyday thoughts and experiences simply do not translate into interesting prose; neither do my mundane musings regularly metamorphose into the profound, so I choose not to post sometimes... I just don't find it particularly satisfying to set down a disjointed little clump of paragraphs. But sometimes I just need to do it anyway, to get back in the swing, because this is therapeutic for me.


Anonymous said...

Now see, you never know what's interesting. I found this very interesting - so never don't write because you don't think it's worth writing, just get it out there and let us judge for ourselves!

And hurray for Dan, that's SO AWESOME. I'm proud of him too!!

Jessica said...

Yeah, I have to say--I found it interesting too. Entirely so. I love the way you write, emily. And wow--Dan! that is huge!!! what an accomplishment!!!

Emily said...

thanks latshaws! yeah, Dan is amazing!

Nina said...

Wow, I am super impressed with Dan's feat. For real. But I'm also impressed with you two venturing to Ohio with the three little people. Good for you!

Emily said...

it was an adventure for sure, 8 hrs there, and 10 people sharing one bathroom, 4 of whom are under 4 yrs old! It just speaks to the fantastic friendship we have, that it was a blast!

Anonymous said...

See Emily, it's not just Latshaws....

明偉誠秋 liked this post a lot too.

Emily said...

yup, and they're trying to get me to click on creepy sex links, too... it's really swell. time to delete!

Unknown said...

The whole fast is inspiring--I wonder if ibcoukd do it. I also have to say that I enjoy anything you write about--so just do it!!!

Emily said...

I think I would be miserable on a fast... my poor kids!

and thanks E S-J, I will!