Wednesday, April 21, 2010

vapor rub

Last night, after submitting to the dreaded "paper rub" (the girls refuse to believe me that it's actually called vapor rub), Rowan was clearly bothered by something. I thought it was just the pungent goo on her chest, as she really dislikes it, but I found a moment later that it was a mental struggle.

Mommy, Is paper rub... um... I don't know... is paper rub... spicy?

I said that yeah, it definitely was kinda spicy. Not content, she squirmed around a bit, and then,

but... Mommy... is it... MINTY?

yes, Rowan, it is most definitely minty as well.

Instant snores. Literally. I found it completely wonderful that she just had to nail down the exact description of Vick's vapor rub before she could fall asleep.


Jessica said...

and that is a very apt description of vapor run. er, paper rub, I mean. :)

Ashley said...

That is so sweet! Maybe I'll start calling it paper rub and my daughter won't run anymore when it comes out :)

Thanks for the comment and it's nice to meet you! I'm sorry to hear your pregnancies were rough too, but glad to hear I'm not the only who's struggled with the contentment that comes with being done.

Emily said...

yeah, I probably would have been done at 2 kids, if we hadn't had twins the first time around... but 2 pregnancies were all I could take. I mean 'we'.

Anonymous said...

Lyric used to always call anything carbonated spicy. She hated soda for so long because it was "TOO SPICY!" I love it.

Emily said...

that's exactly what my girls say, too! I love that they hate soda, it's just another unhealthy thing we don't have to say no to.

Dad said...

Wow! I always thought it was "Vapo Rub".
That stuff has been around forever and I actually liked it as a kid.