Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year, and more posts?

This is 2011. Weird. Shall I blog more? That remains to be seen. I'd like to, and I have really been lame-o about it lately. But jeez, it's time consuming! It shouldn't be, but it is. My computer is old and overly stuffed with information. In it's present state, it moves like molasses in January. We need to back it up, upgrade, and clear off a bunch of stuff. It's time for a trip to the genius bar.

So Jude. newly 2, suddenly verbal, and testing all of his (and our) boundaries. But oh! still so delicious , munchable as ever. He also just got his long curls chopped off, and his manliness is shockingly kissable.

And my little ladies. Such ladies! 4 years old, willful, smart, and delicately sensitive. Rowan wants to be a little Mommy, and Viv wants to call all the shots and be master of her own destiny. They tell me hysterical things, ask theological questions, and pretend the most delightful and weird scenarios.

Dan. Exhausted. And full of strength and grace. I'm hoping that this year brings him some rest and relief. I have a great hope that I can be a part of bringing that to him. That is one of my resolutions for this year. (side note: Rowan just informed me, 'I turned our house into a humongous hedgehog, Mom')

So speaking of resolutions for the new year, I have this crazy idea that I can do better. Better at parenting, and being a wife, and managing our household. Crazy, right? So instead of making a list and promptly forgetting about it, I have decided to ask some specific people to hold me accountable in some very specific ways. It is a lot to ask, but if my friends are willing to help me, I think it will be a wonderful thing!


Ashlie Skidmore said...

i selfishly hope you blog more - you have such a way with writing and describing what in some ways we are all going through.

Emily said...

thanks, Ashlie, that's so encouraging!