Tuesday, June 12, 2012

rainy day, happy fish

When I'm feeling a little bit uninspired by motherhood, a bit of ennui, there is one thing that never fails to lift me.  The beauty that my little people create.
Here is a sample of the latest in 5-year-old artistic efforts. The top one is Rowan's, and contains a school of goldfish surrounding their clownfish "teacher", as well as a happily spouting whale. oh yes. the heart sings. pure sweetness.
 And secondly, we have a fishing scene. I will admit to drawing the blue fish in the middle, and then leaving the paper on the floor. I returned to find Genevieve creating a whole scene around it, more fish and bubbles, a distant fuzzy whale, calling out in his whale voice (the concentric semicircles), and herself with a fishing rod, on which she has caught a lady tadpole who just got married (the black shuttlecock shape).  There are also many ripples in the water caused by the fishing rod and the swimming fishes.  I may be biased, but I'm feeling MiroFor real, look at these two images, such fun!


merry said...

No joke about the Miro! and yes, your children seem to be gifted.

Jessica said...

I love how you left the lone fish on the floor and came back to your little girl having made it into a whole world. That's a beautiful metaphor for life and how community can multiply the good things we each start.

Emily said...

Probably Miro's genius stemmed from his ability to draw in a childlike, uninhibited way. I love that, I don't have it, and I totally enjoy it in my kids. Kids seem to lose it somewhere along the way, though. I guess it's just a developmental thing. They do really love to draw, though, and spend a lot of time on it. I'll take it for as long as it lasts! Thanks for the sweet and thoughtful coments, Mer and Jessica!