Tuesday, December 10, 2013


There are many unbelievable sights of beauty in this world.  I haven't seen them all, not by a long shot.  But my soul is filled by the sight and sound of a new snow.  It lovely, and transformative, and maybe it's in the transformation that my heart overflows.  Nothing like a new dress on naked branches, a light and perfectly graceful wrapping.  The hush that falls when all is blanketed in a sound-absorbing dust that slowly grows.  The knowledge that this growth is made up of uniquely individual bits, glorious like the finest lace, that combine to a visually stunning but uniform coating.  I can't draw this.  I don't even want to.  But I am happy about this white stuff.  I love it. A black and white world that brings to the few remaining colors a new glory.

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