Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today I feel unflappably calm.  Nothing can ruffle my feathers.  It's a nice feeling to just roll with it; whatever "it" may be.  

today I am enjoying a big Wawa coffee, made exactly the way I like it.

TODAY a woman asked me what the age difference was between my two daughters.  I should have been a smart-ass and told her "4 minutes", but that didn't occur to me until later.  They were even wearing the same outfit in the same color, which almost never is the case.

Today I shook off the sleepies and got up to the playground before lunch.  This, also, is almost never the case.  I think I will make it a priority to do that more often.  I might actually meet some of the other women and children who live here on campus.  I found out that there are over 30 kids under the age of 18.  I had no idea - I thought there were perhaps 10.  I know that I can be a homebody, but jeez!  

Today all 3 kids are asleep at the same time, and I think I shall follow suit.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

more fun than we know what to do with

Solemn preparations for the cookie making extravaganza. Why does silly blogger reverse the order of my photos? Does it have something to do with selecting "center" for the format today?  Annoyance!  Oh well.  So we have been having a good day so far.  I have decided that since we are stuck at home for the most part, I will try my hardest to make home the most desirable place to be.  That includes making things clean, so it's a work in progress at best.  But I have plans, and that is a good feeling.  I can't really plant things, so I am considering a container garden on the porch. hmmmm, I guess we'll see, I have never had much of a green thumb.  
I made some play-dough today while the girls slept.  I never knew it was so easy!  Well, I did, only I never made the cooked kind, and it's so much better!  plus, I can make it whatever color I want...

Poor kids, they are in for it.  They're just getting down the basics of color, and here comes Mommy with a tray of play-dough with names that read like a J. Crew catalogue.  No honey, that's not red, it's paprika.  Let your sister use the mulberry dough... no, the purple one!  I give up, pass me the green.  No primary color schemes for these artsy-fartsy toddlers!  Now, if I can only keep them from mixing up the colors... (Laughing)...  Actually, I don't know if my camera has captured the true subtlety of these dough balls and their hues... I think I need to paint.

So wow, pandora has got my number... it's like an autobiographical radio station today!  It's the perfect thing to blog to... it makes me feel like me, past and present, and who knows, maybe they'll throw me something new to move into the future with!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

falling in love again

I am falling in love again... and not with my husband. I am still in love with my husband, of course, he is so very awe-some.  
But I am falling in love with my kids again. We have recently been having a bit of a rough time, terrible twos and all of that, but this week, there has been a wonderful explosion. An explosion of everything, really; they are suddenly communicating so clearly, multiple new things coming out every day. They are imagining so independently, using funny voices, telling me all sorts of things, counting, saying their ABC's, speaking in paragraphs, it's just hilarious and fun. Now for the potty training to kick into high gear. That part is up to me, of course. They are letting me know that they are getting ready, so I had better get ready, too.  And Jude, he is just a dream (aside from waking up every 3 hours at night)... who could resist those cheeks and thighs! He is growing so fast, and his personality is mostly sunshiny.  I can't believe the spellcheck didn't balk at that.  So sunshiny is a word... must try it in a game of scrabble.  Oh, I am just so glad that we are having fun, since we're housebound during the week!  And I love Mondays, too, because my Mom comes to help me out, and the girls just love it as well.  So I'm feeling good, and so are my little ones, and for that I am thankful. 
     I just wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from recent days; top to bottom: (1)Tea party on the porch, Rowan in red shorts (2)Tummy time (3)Genevieve and Gypsy (4)Genevieve in her choice of outfits (5)Nude Jude (6) Rowan and a feather.  Fun, fun, fun!