Wednesday, January 20, 2010

vacation is over, and we mourn

Yesterday the students returned to campus. Ah, the end of our blessed winter break. This means that now Dan is back to working two full time jobs, back to running from day job to traffic, to office, to meetings, to office again, with scarcely time to eat dinner or shower. It means no more long naps on the sofa, not quite left alone. No more dinner and bedtime with the family every night. It means that I will go back to eating a bar of chocolate every night, because I am antsy and bored and missing the company of my very best friend. Of course, there are other things I could do... I just really love dark chocolate.

This is the time of day when we all want to sleep... from about 1 to 4pm, we all struggle to find things to do to keep alert. If the girls crash, they won't sleep at night, even if it is only for half an hour. But all we really want to do is snuggle up on the couch and close our eyes! Jude is napping, and the girls beg for a movie and their pillows. My sleepy mind begs to give it to them, so I can crash along with them. Ahhhhh, it is so tempting to just allow it! But really, these girls will be up until 11 if I do that, and I will be cranky and frustrated that the evening time no longer belongs to me. So we struggle through, pull out new clothes, get our bodies moving, anything to distract ourselves from the afternoon lull, and the soft couch, and the warm lazy light.


Jessica said...

for the past few years that lull would always come over me right around 6 or 6:30 which was very unfortunate because that was right when I would have to leave for work...All I wanted to do was lay down and close my eyes and there I was, having to pull on a leotard and darken my lashes with layers of mascara.

so sorry that things are back to the grind.

Nina said...

Oh that's such a hard time in life - when you have to prevent your kids from napping! I could never stand to surrender one minute of evening time, so I too would vigilantly keep watch over those droopy eyelids. It's the worst in the winter.

Just a few more months 'til spring. Hang in there!

Emily said...

yes! I can't wait until I can just open the door, and send them out onto the porch with tea cups and water!