On Friday, Dan fell from a ladder. He was working on my parents house. He is ok, resting and very bruised and battered. Not to mention 24 stitches in his left leg. He could've injured himself much more seriously, and as I try to take care of him and encourage him to sit still, I am thankful that he didn't break any bones, or hit his head, or suffer a back injury that would take away his ability to work. We were protected, and though it might be a bit tough for a week or so, it's a temporary difficulty.
It's hard to express the things that float through your mind when you contemplate what ifs and might-have-beens. Its silly, in a way, but I can't always shut off my mind. And a reality check is definitely a good thing. None of us are invincible. None of us have a guaranteed allotment of years. We can't wait for tomorrow to say the things that need to be said, or pay attention to the people that are put into our lives.
All of this is very cliche, I know, but so often the thoughts that matter are hard to grasp, and when we try, it comes out a little cheesy. It's like trying to paint the sunset.