Saturday, March 29, 2014

weakness. honesty.

Oh man, I'm such a better parent when Dan is with me! This partnership thing is no joke:  when I'm a CrankyMomma, Dan swoops in and saves the day. He gives me room to breathe and gives the smallies the gift of patience that I was unintentionally withholding.  When he loses his mind,  I can somehow find some extra grace and calm, and balance things out.  It's like we hand each other the gifts of otherness, and don't judge the areas in one another where we may lack.  

But man, on Friday, when I've been doing the bulk of the parenting for a few days, I am one touchy beast. I'm so glad it's Saturday. Saturday makes me feel like I've been to the spa. It's that refreshing to see my sweet little beans through he eyes of their Daddy, who's been missing them all week! I get all emotional at how cute and funny they are, because my best friend colors all I see. And because they really are pretty awesome.  

Collaboration with Jude: thunder and lightening. Graphite and marker.  It's all practice. And it's all the real thing.  


Anonymous said...

you are so lovely Emily inside and out... genuine

Jessica said...

"It's all practice and it's all the real thing."