Wednesday, March 5, 2014

quick one

The kids are all in my bed watching a movie(with the unfolded laundry), so naturally I am in Jude's toddler bed, blogging. Yep. That's me, scrunched on a crib sized mattress with my feet up on the daybed sides.  Because that's what makes sense to my brain. Is it possible to have developed ADD in my twenties? I mean, for the love of Pete, I really make some nonsensical moves, all based on my inability to put off whatever hairbrained scheme has popped into my mind. I should stop reading the symptoms of adult ADHD online. It could just be extreme left-brainness.

Today, I drew a quickie in the car line, waiting to pick up the fairie-elves that I call daughters.  Five minutes on a grocery receipt, with a pen I 'borrowed' from the bank. Eh. I like the crinkly paper most.  

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