Friday, February 22, 2008

trying to make work

This is a painting I did for Dan a couple of years ago, and it serves to remind me of the fact that I can loosen up sometimes.  I tend to get very rigid and tight when I paint, over working things, wearing it out.  It reminds me that I can show a little restraint and make a simple painting!  I have started work again recently, work for myself, and this is very exciting to me.  I haven't photographed any of it yet, but I will soon.  I am doing a figurative piece along side a more abstracted landscape, and I am hoping that the two will inform and improve upon each other.  I have been in love with line and pattern and color for as long as I can remember, and these new pieces will hopefully embrace that fully, while letting go of my uptight fears of imperfection!  My kiddies are still sleeping, so maybe I can still squeeze a little work in...

So now it's later, and I did get a bit of drawing in, and it really feels amazing, even though the carpet needs vacuuming and there are still baby toys all over the place. Dan and I took the girls to Denny's for dinner tonight - one of very few instances when we have had dinner out with the twins, and the first time ever that they have had their own meal from a menu.  I actually enjoyed it, but I think Dan felt a little stressed out by the whole scenario... cheerios on the floor, sippy cups banging on the table... he is now passed out, snoring on the floor of the living room.  Poor guy, he works so hard, he can't even enjoy his relaxation time because his body just shuts him right down!  Times such as these make me feel a little guilty for staying home all day, playing with my little sweeties, but I have to remind myself that as fun as it can be, being a mother is real and rewarding work.


Ashlie Skidmore said...

i'm glad you've got this blog. i enjoy seeing your artwork, and look forward to seeing more in the future.

and denny's is a great place for kids - because everyone else is just as loud and naughty as my kids :) haha. that,and they have ridiculously good ranch dressing.

Jen said...

I love eating out with Haven, though I wouldn't put it in the stress-free category. The same thing happens to Dave at night - often right after Haven goes to bed. He just stops moving. And he's out for the night.