Wednesday, May 12, 2010

my Strawberry Shortcakes (and actual muffins)

I love when my girls help me to make better decisions. Like taking a close up of the strawberry muffins we just made, instead of trying to fit them all in... much better, thank you, Genevieve! On the other hand, I really hate when I allow myself to get worn down and harried by constant nagging and whining (the whining mostly from the smallest boy in our household). That is when I make extremely poor decisions, like allowing the girls to participate in the placing of pasta into boiling water, which resulted in one of my sweet girls burning herself pretty badly. Generally, they are not allowed to bring chairs to the stove. Who really knows why sometimes the rules go out of the window? At any rate, she is ok, just a burned hand and a really nasty blister. I, on the other hand, am feeling pretty guilty. But also confident that I make rules that make sense, and will not allow myself to feel insecure or doubtful of my choices, no matter what other parents may choose for their own offspring.
I love these little people, so much that it hurts. In a good way. They are really tough to deal with sometimes, but really, they bring me so much joy, and I have to remind myself, on the days when I feel like I really miss my old full-time job , that the sort of satisfaction I get from a project completed, or a client made happy, is nothing compared to the pure sweetness of love given and received, of lessons learned and true growth accomplished.

So the other day we were outside for the purpose of blowing tiny bubbles, and my wee ladies were decked out in pink right up to their hair bows. Wonderfully enough, we found some wild strawberries. And no, we didn't use them to make the muffins.
The light was lovely, the girls looked like real life Strawberry Shortcake dolls, and so I snapped away. Little surprises, like the wild berries, make an average day special. The girls were quite taken with them. And I am quite taken with my red-and-pink-themed post. For aesthetic reasons. Obviously.


Jessica said...

First of all, those muffins LOOK divine. I can only imagine how they tasted. I am right in the process of letting some dough rise for sweet rolls and hope that they look as good as those muffins!

Also, I, too, am a big fan of pink and red. Such beauties, those girls are! Love it.

Nina said...

Your girls do look like strawberry shortcakes! Beautiful.

And have a way of wearing down our defenses until we find ourselves allowing things we never intended. The rules change as they get older but the principle doesn't seem to. Usually for me it takes some little disaster or some major annoyance to remind me why we had the rule in the first place. So frustrating!