Thursday, May 6, 2010

a painting

I've spent the last week painting and repainting a canvas. The good news is that I painted almost every night last week. The bad news is that while I still retain some of the vestiges of my drawing ability, it seems like I have lost all painting chops. And then I got my hands invaded by an awful Bob Ross-like dotty syndrome. It was kind of terrifying. But by the end of the week, my brain seemed to kick back in. I was in the laundry room, just kind of staring in disgust at the 4th or 5th paint-over of the week, when I suddenly saw in my mind what the paint strokes should look like. Then I felt so silly to have truly forgotten what my paintbrush was supposed to be doing. I should have documented the progress, but it was so hideous, really, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

All weekend, I thought about finally getting back into it, and painting over that travesty in my laundry room. Tuesday night I finally did, and while the result is not awe-inspiring, it at least feels like me, and I can recognize something there. I worked a bit more last night, just to be sure it wasn't a fluke, and painting was still my friend. I do dislike acrylics heartily, and it's no replacement for oil, but I will use what I have and spare my kids the fumes in the living room for now. I do have an exhaust fan in the bedroom, though, and I may just have to work something out between my love of oil paint, my family's health, and that fan.

I am trying to find a balance between making choices that are uniquely mine (in my paintings), and yet referencing the truth. I find it hard. If I work from a photo, or life, I can get a bit carried away by the details, and the life(ironically) goes out of the painting. However, I am not so great with working completely from my mind. Yes, this is boring stuff, but I am desperately trying to get back in the swing. I have a project that is very close to my heart, and I really need to be in good shape, artistically. Now that I have mentioned being in good shape, I will complain a bit and say that time to myself is very limited, and so my working out time has been completely usurped by painting time. It's actually quite frustrating... can't I be in shape and do a little artwork? Perhaps I shall have to work out a schedule. That's not my strong suit.


Jessica said...

Emily, that painting is just beautiful. I seriously love it. Love the colors and the feel and I wish I had more art understanding to give you a more educated compliment than that--but know that I think it's amazing.

Emily said...

You sweetheart - You want it? It is kinda purple and yellow...

and thank you!

Unknown said...

Loves it!!!

Anonymous said...

It really is so beautiful. I love that it's not a by the book reproduction of what you might see, but an interpretation of it - letting us get into someone else's perception. Wonderful.

Nina said...

I love this painting, and I'm so happy to be back reading your blog. Haven't been doing much reading online lately!

I'm really impressed that you're finding any time to paint, and I'm glad the strokes came back to you.... I don't paint or do any art at all, but I confess that at times I've enjoyed watching Bob Ross paint on PBS. I like to listen to his soothing voice and hear him talk about "happy little accidents."