Monday, May 17, 2010

might I have a bit of earth?

Ok, so it's not the secret garden, since it's on our porch steps and all, but we did enjoy the little bit of container planting we did yesterday...

We are pretty late to be planting seeds, I think - but who knows, really, cause gardening has never been my hobby. But if these little flowers and herbs can manage to flourish, who knows? Success can be addictive, maybe next year I'll be hanging strawberries in baskets and growing melons up the wall. This year, though, we will start small. Tomatoes, basil, dill, and some flowers. It's more a matter of wanting my kids to be involved in something productive and fun, and a really big project could just get left in the dust, because I get overwhelmed easily.

Rowan, poised and ready for the signal to pat down the dirt.

Genevieve scratches the seed with a file to aid in germination. That's what the seed envelope said to do...

Watering fun, with my new orange watering can!

Rowan took this picture, and I love it, cropping, composition, everything. Toes!

Rowan took this one, too, not bad!

Ok, I just yelled at my daughter for disobeying after several quiet-but-firm reminders, and I can hear her talking to Jesus about how she feels in the other room. Guilty or not guilty? Guilty, I guess. I should have just given her a consequence and stayed calm, but man! their stubborn refusal to obey a simple command when their mind is made up differently just gets under my skin.. aaaargh. I had better go make peace.


Jessica said...

Ooh I love the orange watering can--so pretty and vibrant!

And yes, the picture with the tiny toes right on the edge is wonderful.

And it's so good to see your pretty profile, too, Emily:)

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