Tuesday, July 2, 2013

struggle with balance

This is what I would draw, if I could manage it...

Today is a day of struggle.  Mental wrestling, of trying to be the person I want to be, but also minding my own business.  I can't tell people how to run their businesses, right? I can't do much about their choices, except to offer suggestions, an even then, unsolicited advice is not always a great way to go.  I can't control the things that I want to control, and I need to let it go. Although I do have to sometimes speak up.

Oh, balance, where are you? I'd like to get my grubby paws on you.  Why do I feel so selfish when I want to paint or draw? I really do. We've been away for the weekend, and now the house is filled with camping gear, needing a home. My mind is pulled in a bunch of directions, and I can't seem to focus enough to dash off a drawing. With my grubby paws. And now midnight has come and gone, and I'm looking at 1am.  Not good, not when the shorties will be all over me in the morning! Off to bed I go.

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