Thursday, March 13, 2008

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, or maybe I'm just cranky

I woke up ok this morning, but after about half an hour, I realized that not only was I not ok, I was in fact feeling like a nasty old lady who has been disappointed in life.  This mainly due to the fact that the girls woke me up 5 times last night, crying and carrying on.  The phrase "carrying on", I think,  was inserted by the old lady in my soul.  So I put them to bed about 15 minutes early, to save them from cranky mama.  They seemed to understand, poor dears (there's that old lady again).  So I will hearken back to yesterday, which was wonderful, and try to realign my misshapen sense of well-being.   Yesterday was lovely.  we played in patches of sunshine, and the girls experimented with pulling their hair clips out (with a few hairs), and begging me to put them back in.  While they slept, I sat in another puddle of sunshine and knitted, while listening to Iron and Wine.  If anyone is in the market for some sweet, sleepy, poetic mellowness, have a listen.

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