Monday, July 27, 2009

Christine and Anna

So I was waiting until I had a good image to accompany my post... I just wish I had written it already, because it was so fresh in my mind over the weekend, and now I just feel like life has taken over again. Oh, whatever, I will stop whining and get down to it. On Friday night, my sister took part in a summer arts festival, if you will, for women. She had agreed to be a part of it without realizing that she was agreeing to be the keynote speaker for the entire thingamajig. She does not like public speaking, and has never before combined it with a drawing demonstration. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure that she has ever really done a drawing demo, either. Well, she was pretty scared, but decided to pray and see what God might give her to share.

She asked if I would come, and just pray for her while she did her thing. I was happy to do so, and also excited to hear her speak, as she was going to give her testimony, something I had never had the pleasure of hearing. This was going to be good, I was sure, but I was completely unprepared for how affected I would be!
I feel like I should try to just tell the whole thing, but how lame that would be; it would have none of the vulnerability, humor, and power of the original.

Christine began by explaining where she was coming from, what God was currently teaching her, and the parable that he gave her which inspired the drawing she did while speaking. But she then told how she came to believe in Jesus, and how it was her conversion at 12 that brought my parents to him, and myself shortly after, at the age of 5. She spoke of my parent's transformation, and the wonderful stability of our home. I don't disagree, but it was so enlightening to hear her perspective. We are two different people, and as the baby of the family, I think I still have the tendency to think that the world revolves around me. I loved hearing about our childhood from the perspective of another pair of eyes. I loved hearing anew the story of how she met and married my brother in law, and how her children have changed her life and her identity for the better.

I had no idea how funny she would be! Her nervous energy and honestly combined with a natural goofiness superbly. She was so real and so beautiful. Toward the end, when her talk was over, and she needed to finish the drawing, my niece, Anna, sang and accompanied herself on the piano. That girl is incredible. Her voice is so pure and lovely, and the song was beautiful, I seriously had to contain myself, and really hold it together to keep from sobbing outright. She is only 13, but her passion is palpable, and her talent immense. I left feeling so full and happy and hopeful, not to mention proud of my incredible family.


Jessica said...

Emily--what an amazing experience to be a part of. I am sure your sister was so strengthened and comforted by your presence...And your family sounds so incredibly special/beautiful/talented...WOW.

Nina said...

Oh Emily...that sounds just incredible. What a gift to hear all of that from your sister. How cool that she is an artist too and that is something you share. Sounds like a lovely and amazing evening.