Wednesday, May 15, 2013

vertical and horizontal

I wish I had something to say. I don't really. I wish I had thoughts and feelings just bursting to get out, to be written in the sky. I may actually have feelings and thoughts like that. The problem is that they are not concrete, delineated with words. They're more abstract, indescribable, and all the more bursting to be expressed. So I feel a bit like a colorfield painting. A meaningful silence. I'm ridiculous. Perhaps that's why I have to make things.

I've given up on this writing and drawing space for a bit, concentrating instead on resting when possible, and recuperating myself and my family from some nasty illnesses. I feel like we are back on a normalish track, so I'm back here as well. Maybe I said this last post. Oh well!

My kids are being really mean to each other right now. As I write. Crying and poking each other in the eye, it would seem. But now, amidst tears and recriminations, there was explanation and understanding; apology and forgiveness. In short, they worked it out. Just when I was feeling so exasperated with the purposeful aggression, they turned it around, and actually put into practice what we have been trying so hard to instill in them. I can't express to you how happy this makes me. This I could write in the sky. My children expressed love, and in doing so, drove out anger. They extended grace and redeemed a hurtful moment. That is something to say. It's a microcosm of how to live life.

The direction was switched, turned perpendicular, and harmony was restored. Here are some verticals and horizontals that looked harmoniously perpendicular to me, glancing out of the kitchen window. See how I tied that in? I know, it's a stretch. Conte on board.

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