Sunday, April 14, 2013

good, better, best all rolled into one

This weekend was beautiful. My perception is changing, improving. This is something that I've been asking for, praying for. Not just that I would have a better, more compassionate reaction to my children, but that I would see them differently when they are in need of discipline. That my reaction would be informed by viewing them through the filter of their potential and not through the filter of their mistakes.

We had a lot of time together as a family, and also Mommy/ girl time and Daddy/Jude time. It was the first weekend in a long time that we've all been really together the whole time. This is yesterday. My girls are as enthralled as I with the spring buds - "mom, I just want to kiss the buds, they're so beautiful!" I have a budding Anne of Green Gables on my hands. Which I love!

Genevieve with a magnolia blossom. Graphite on rag board.

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