Thursday, March 21, 2013

Aqua-ish circles

I am a slacker. These posts are slowing way down. I'm trying to not be okay with that. But it's hard; complacency seems to be my default setting. Today's drawing was done on shrink film. I photographed it before shrinking, arranged them in a design I found attractive, and popped then into the oven.

So I love shrinky-dinks. Sue me. These are little circles (in case you didn't recognize that obscure shape), colored with prismacolors to look kinda like trompe l'oeil spheres. I arranged them as closely as I could to the original design, and attached them together. It's an assymetric necklace. To me, it felt like making a little abstract painting. And it took a while, so that's what we've got for tonight!

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