Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So many days go by without me being able to string together two coherent thoughts. And by 'thoughts' I mean something other than: did I run the dishwasher or switch the laundry, or is one of the kids due for a nebulizer treatment, or what can I scrape together for dinner.

I let the time fly without realizing life. And then I switch into drawing mode, which is valuable and important, but it's a separate part of my brain, and it often turns off the introspection. I turn inward to color and line and texture. I'd like to be more aware. Just a bit more present than my current mode of getting by. More sleep will enable me to look up and take in the scenery more, rather than close my eyes and allow things to pass me in a blur. I can't slow it down, so I may as well get all I can out of the freefall.

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