Saturday, March 9, 2013


So there's something you need to know about me if you're gonna read this. If you've read these posts before, you won't be surprised. I complain a lot. About being tired. About the never ending job of mothering and housekeeping. I like to think that I also might mention the rewards in passing as well, but let's face it. I vent here.

My kids are all on various degrees and combinations of drugs that are designed to make their lungs function better. The girls have infection induced asthma, and this winter it seems like they are coughing and wheezing more than breathing normally. Even Jude, who doesn't seem so susceptible to the evil wheeze, is on an inhaler regimen and an oral steroid. The girls are also on the nebulizer. One drug makes their heart race, one makes them jittery, one makes them emotional and antagonistic. They are like little tyrannical strangers with personality disorders. Sometimes one pops up that I recognize. Last week they all had a viral thing with fevers and coughs that morphed into the current lung trouble. Last night Rowan awoke, screaming in pain, and woke with a steady drainage from her ear and a perforated eardrum. Dan got her to a clinic and we have now added an antibiotic and antibiotic ear drops to her cocktail of crazy. And don't forget the Motrin for pain management! Wow. And I feel like we're on the upswing. This is one wild ride.

I had a lovely afternoon away. I came back to sweet kids, full of snuggles, and I gave them their final meds and tucked them in bed. This was quite an improvement, a much needed reminder that I have nice, mostly reasonable, human offspring. I'll try to remind myself of that in the middle of the night, and in the morning. Poor little buggers. Their mom forgets too easily.

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