Thursday, January 17, 2013

nerd alert

So yes, I skipped yesterday, due to feeling unproductive and a wee bit depressed. And oh, yes, headache-y. Today is not much better. Actually, it's worse in the headache department, but better in the depressed/unproductive department.

...several hours and a triple bedtime later...

So, after an slight improvement on my day's activities and after killing my headache with the coffee/ibuprofen one-two punch, I decided to try out my new sewing machine. My slightly intimidating, fancy computerized Christmas gift from my parents. I've been both dying for and dreading this moment. Oh, I needn't have worried, this thing has a brain, and it seems to want to be my friend. My eyes are rolling back in my head with delight. I know, I know, the robots are winning.

I already threw this project up here, but I finished it, with a little help from my BabyLock! Fabric toy bin labels. Indestructible, and therefore worth the time. Which, incidentally, wasn't all that much:

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